Invest in the Handshake domain name gold rush

You missed .com in the 1990s.
Don't miss Handshake now.


Handshake allows anyone to create and own their own .comFor example, we own privacy/We could sell domains like my.privacyOr use it as a domain name on its own.

What's the point?

Freedom of speech on the web is under threat.Did you know, you don't actually own your domain names? They can be taken down, or taken back.Handshake is freedom of speech just as Bitcoin is freedom of money. It's our duty to protect both.

Protecting free speech

Handshake is the only domain name protocol that allows for a decentralised web.1. It uses proof of work
2. It's decentralised
3. It competes at the root zone (e.g. with .com)
All other naming systems like .eth .sol and .dot are centralised in some way and are subject to the same censorship risks as .com

Who are we?

We own some of the most valuable Handshake TLDs, like rare/ fact/ and privacy/

Our portfolio

We have high standards.We only invest in one word, English dictionary words with a focus on crypto and the decentralised web.






As with everything, early adopters get the big rewards. Whether it's buying bitcoin under $100 or minting BAYC for 0.08 ETH.Buying premium blockchain domains is no different.

It seems weird now but back in the 1990s investing in .com domains was ridiculed. They were expensive, hard to buy, and you couldn't do much with them.

In 2019 sold for $30 million.

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